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Finishing Touches

And so it was time for the final details to complete the installation of the tents! The finishing touches—the “make-up,” as Stefano calls it.


You might remember that when the canvas was stretched and pulled, it was mounted to the frame with aluminium rivets. While practical, it wasn’t particularly pretty. To cover them up, we received flaps—because we all know, aesthetics matter! The drill and rivet gun became essential tools for us during the installation. Here we were again with them, our trusty companions. The first step was to rivet the Velcro onto the frame, both inside and outside the tent, wherever rivets were visible. By now, I’m sure even you know how the riveting procedure goes: pass the drill, pass the rivet, pass the rivet gun, and repeat. Move the ladder and repeat the whole process again, haha. Gradually, all the rivets from each tent were covered with Velcro, and we could move on to placing the flaps.


For aesthetics—and to satisfy the perfectionists in Roel, Stefano, and me—it was crucial that all the flaps were straight and level. We didn’t want any curves in the flaps! Stefano joked a few times that he now understood why Roel and I are together; we both focus on the tiny details. We went tent by tent, following the same procedure, installing the flaps and watching the final version of each tent come together. For Stefano, the outside perimeter was the most challenging, balancing and reaching difficult spots, especially with the height differences between the tents. It’s a good thing he’s fit and enjoys rock climbing! His hobbies definitely came in handy here!


The flaps made a significant difference. All the small corners, loose pieces of canvas, and rivets were seamlessly covered. The tents looked finished. The make-up was done, and the end result: STUNNING!


And suddenly, the installation was almost over; it was time for the final pull of the tents—the last finishing touch! What a journey it has been these past weeks. While the installation was supposed to take around four weeks, it ended up taking nearly twice as long. We’ve all learned a lot—technically, about problem-solving, and about our spirit, dedication, perseverance, and commitment to achieving a shared goal. I am proud.


The final pull. For this, we gathered the larger team once more. It was time to stretch the tents into their final positions and lock them in place. Under Stefano’s guidance, each tent was stretched, and each pole was pulled again. I had the best job, relaying the position of the centre poles to Stefano and cheering everyone on! While Kimy and I removed the last pieces of masking tape (remember the floor that still needed a coating?), the men pulled the tent with all their might. It was quite a task, all about finding balance. Pull on the left, and you have to balance it out on the right; that same pull on the left affects the front-to-back position too. So you can imagine, the day involved a lot of walking and running around—from one pole to the other and then back. At every pole and corner, the team used all their strength to stretch the tent into its final position. We finished stretching the last tent in the afternoon. Everyone was tired but so happy with the end result.


                                The installation of the tents is complete. What a dream and what a breathtaking view we have!


Can’t wait to share the pictures of the end result this weekend with you!


Much love,


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