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End Result

The installation phase of the tents has been finalised! We have three beautiful sand-coloured tents with anthracite details installed in the valley, blending harmoniously with the environment. Each tent is perfectly stretched, standing tall, and looking gorgeous! We are ecstatic to see them up and are extremely proud of how far we have come. Looking back to when we started building NATU, it’s been quite a journey. We could not have imagined this result a year ago; we are truly in awe. The final stretch is now here.


Stefano returned home a few weeks ago. Yes, I’m a bit behind with the updates—it’s been busy. We are forever grateful for the work he has done! For his dedication, meticulous work, and commitment to helping us and our family create this magical place for you to experience. Stefano, you know there is always a bed and arepas for you in Aruba! Cheers to creating magic; it is truly one of a kind. And of course, thank you for all the new pasta recipes you’ve taught us! Josy, La Regina della Pasta! They say that when you’re working on making your dream a reality, you’re willing to make a lot of sacrifices. My former coach, Dani, once asked, ‘Are you willing to eat pasta every damn day to make your dreams come true?’ Well, I can say that I gladly eat pasta every damn day, and I’m LOVING it too!


Roel and I want to begin by thanking you for joining us on this journey. For staying updated with our posts, for the encouraging words we’ve received, and for the beautiful compliments. We truly appreciate every single one of them. We are excited and happy to present the end result of the installation! We can’t wait to hear what you think of the tents! In which one do you want to stay?


The next phase is here!

Ban p’e!


Cu cariño,

3 thoughts on “End Result

  • Thayisa
    on 04/09/2024

    Gorgeous! Cant wait to get away and disconnect at Natu!

  • Nicolle
    on 04/09/2024

    Such a beautiful project!! Keep it up team!

  • Jasmira
    on 06/09/2024

    Can’t wait to escape here!


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