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The final part of the installation consisted of the doors, the flaps to cover all the rivets, and the last pull to stretch the tents.


Each tent has two beautiful sliding doors at the front, each 3 metres wide. This means that the entire front of the tent becomes a large window, offering an unobstructed, mesmerising view. Whether you’re waking up in bed or relaxing on the couch, you’ll be able to look out and feel as though you are surrounded by nature. We still need to change one of the doors on each tent, as they currently open in the wrong direction. The new frame is already on its way and nearly ready for pick-up on the island!


The shower also features an amazing sliding door. How cool is it to be showering with the door open and hear the birds chirping? To me, that sounds FANTASTIC! Hahaha, that’s also the reason we wanted a sliding door—to have the feeling of showering outdoors with the comfort of a regular shower.


So, for each tent, we had three doors to install: two at the entrance and one in the shower. The doors are quite heavy, and I can hear you thinking already: ‘But how do you get a door up that high on the deck of ‘Piedra’?’. This was one of the thoughts that kept me up at night too, at some point….


But before the doors could be installed, we started with the door frames. Covers were put on the floors, and we had another puzzle in front of us. Stefano and I put the puzzle together so that they could be installed. There we were again with the drill and the rivet gun; this time we also had the vacuum for immediate clean-up! We were happy that the installation of the frames went smoothly at each tent. Then it was time for the doors themselves.


To understand, get the feel for it, and just start, we began with the first tent, Isla. This was the most accessible one—the lowest and easiest to transport. We laid out some duvets, and each door was carried from the casita to the tent and placed on the floor. That meant a total of six glass doors. I think the heaviest part of all was the transportation of the doors. When it came to the installation itself, it was smooth sailing. Each door was picked up, installed in the railing, secured, and now they are all sliding! We still need to make the final adjustments, but we have doors!


Btw, when looking at the pictures, you might wonder ‘WTH are the spots on the floor?!’. Do you remember our issues with the floor planks? Oh it is still ongoing…. Even though we had them locally repainted, there were still some issues. Due to some separation of the fiber, we had bubbles in the floor and they were not coated to protect the paint. While we were advised that a protected coating was not needed, as soon as we started installing them we experienced that this was not true in reality. But they were being fixed! It’s still ongoing, we are not done yet with the floor planks, but the end is in sight hahaha.


Back to the installation of the doors:
The height of ‘Piedra’ was the biggest challenge. It was time to call in the tractor again. With pallets and straps, the door was secured on the forklift and then lifted to a height where we could reach it and pull it onto the deck. It was a mission—a successful one! We are delighted to have them all installed.


To create contrast with the sand colour of the canvas, we chose anthracite for the doorframes. And we are in love with our choice! The colour popped beautifully, and it’s amazing to see how the tents have a completely different feel with these beautiful doors installed. They have elevated the entire tent, and now it looks complete.


This week, I’ll also share with you how the final details went. So two post in a week! 

Keep an eye out for our email.


Cu cariño,




3 thoughts on “Doors

  • Tiet
    on 29/08/2024

    Mooi om te zien dat de deuren er in zitten! Ik zou wel weten wat ik zou doen om het te vieren!!

  • Jan en Annemie
    on 30/08/2024

    Hallo Roel en Josy, wat een onderneming. Geweldig dat jullie die deuren er goed ingekregen hebben!
    Het ziet er allemaal heel mooi uit. We wensen jullie heel veel succes met de afronding van het project. Liefs, groeten, ook aan Mariela, Rudy en Kimy.

  • Wim Eijdems
    on 31/08/2024

    Hallo Josy/Roel/familie en vrienden, wat een gigantisch project ga er maar aan staan ! Het begint allemaal wat duidelijker te worden hoe een en ander er uit gaat zien, ziet er gezellig en knusjes uit. Door de grote schuifpui krijg je een ruimtelijke kick en dat geeft een lekker en vrij gevoel ! Verder nog even poal houwe wah suc6 en sterkte met de laatste loodjes groetjes Wim José en Anky


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