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Canvas II

Stefano said from the beginning that the installation of the canvas the most boring part is. I totally understand it now, haha. It is marvelous to see each cabin taking shape, but after a few panels, the job becomes quite monotonous. During the day, he works with Anthony and Nathan, and after 3 pm/15h, Roel and I start our shift of installing the canvas panels with him. Pass the drill, pass the rivet, pass the rivet gun.

While Stefano and the team worked on the panels of the perimeter and the divisions, Roel and I assisted with the roof. The roof is quite complicated, not as easy to install as the rest, and not to forget the height! Not everything we received was quite as logical, so some jobs were more challenging than everyone expected… And still, I can’t complain (maybe because I don’t have to do the canvas the whole day), but it was quite fun to be installing the panels together with Roel and Stefano, talking, making jokes, while still focused on the task at hand.

What makes the whole process go faster is when you anticipate what the other needs. Being a dentist, I know aaalll about how important good assistance is! Ask anyone who works in the dentists offices, my colleagues know everything about it! So I was excellent at helping them out, hahaha. They got the best person EVER to pass the drill and rivet gun, even if I say so myself, hahaha. Quite an expensive helper!

We worked again from tent to tent. After finishing Tent 3, we continued with Tent 2. The wow effect of the height does make things more difficult during the installation. But just as with every phase until now, we got the hang of it and the installation of the panels went smoothly. It’s beautiful to see how every tent has its own character, its own charm, and its own special corners. With the big ass rock behind it is just WOW! And by peeking through the window, we’re also already imagining where the pool could go. Yes, if you didn’t know it already, we have a splash pool for each tent to cool off in. Imagine having your cold beer in the pool under the warm Aruban sun!

Lastly, we installed the canvas of Tent 1. And after around 14 days, all the canvas was installed. It has been something, let me tell you that! It is unbelievable to see how with every step it gets more and more shape. The tent, the vision, comes more to life. It’s surreal, and we are so grateful for every step of this journey. We’ve had some hiccups, some more delay, all thanks to a wonderful eel, but more on that in the next update!

I’ll keep you updated!

Un brasa,


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